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January 16, 2024
What is the process of probate in California?

What Is the Process of Probate in Orange County, California?

The death of a loved one in your life is already emotional and stressful, and then being thrust into the probate process can cause the whole situation to become overwhelming. While many people know about probate, they don’t often understand the ins and outs of the process. This is when choosing an experienced California probate lawyer, who knows the complexities of probate law, can be the right choice for you to alleviate some of that […]
January 15, 2024
Is probate mandatory in California?

Is Probate Mandatory in Orange County, California?

Your loved one just passed away, leaving you with many loose ends to tie up, such as what to do with their property, vehicles, investments, money, and other assets. Even if they had a will, you will most likely experience probate. This can leave you with questions and a legal process that an experienced California probate attorney may be able to help you with. Testate vs. Intestate Probate It is commonly believed that if a […]
October 26, 2023
Common Probate Problems to Watch Out For

Common Probate Problems to Watch Out For

For many families, there’s a tremendous sense of relief when the probate process is finally over. This is not just because of the sense of finality that it gives them, but it is also because the process can be so taxing. There are so many different components of probate that can go wrong or create challenges and conflict. Many probate problems CA probate attorneys deal with can be solved before they start. In many cases, […]
October 16, 2023
Are Probate Sales Legal in California?

Are Probate Sales Legal in California?

Probate sales in CA are legal, but they must follow a specific set of procedures. Probate sales can occur for a number of different reasons. They could be expressly stated as the deceased’s desires in a will. They could also be the result of someone dying intestate or without a valid will, and that is the way to distribute the value among the heirs. In other situations, the proceeds of the sale may be needed […]
October 15, 2023
Tips of finding the best Los Angeles Probate Attorney for you

Tips for Finding the Best Los Angeles Probate Attorney for You

Probate can be a complex and sometimes contentious process. Working with the right attorney, though, can help ease some of the tensions and keep the process working smoothly. There are a lot of things that make for a good Los Angeles probate attorney. In particular, things like knowledge and experience are critical. However, one of the qualities that is particularly important, although less often discussed, is that you want to make sure that you are […]
September 10, 2023
How to find the best Orange County Probate Lawyer

How to Find the Best Orange County Probate Lawyer

There’s nothing easy about the probate process. It’s complex, challenging, and can lead to conflict. Everyone who’s gone through it is just happy that it’s finally over by the end. All this is on top of the grief, melancholy, and other emotions that come with losing a loved one. In many ways, the probate process brings a feeling of finality to the passing of someone that can be as hard as the initial realization that […]
September 7, 2023
What Happens to a House in California probate?

What Happens to a House in California Probate?

Houses are one of the more valuable parts of most estates, not just financially, but also from a sentimental standpoint. This leaves many to wonder how their house will be handled through the probate process. The answer to that should, of course, be that it will be handled however the deceased would like it to be handled. That, though, is not always the case. It’s important that the estate plan be properly set up and […]
September 6, 2023
Avoiding Unnecessary Probate Costs in California

Avoiding Unnecessary Probate Costs in California

Those who pass on and leave behind an estate typically want to make sure that those assets go where they want them to go, without paying a variety of costs and expenses along the way. The probate process, in particular, can see assets getting used up quickly. Many people want to know how to keep those costs to a minimum. Fortunately, it is possible to do so if you take the right steps along the […]
August 13, 2023
How to make California probate cheaper & easier for your loved ones

How to Make California Probate Cheaper & Easier for Your Loved Ones

When someone dies, there are a lot of raw emotions that the surviving loved ones feel in the aftermath. Unfortunately, there isn’t a lot of time for grieving and processing a loss before the technical details of handling the deceased’s estate need to be addressed. People who have gone through this can often recognize how challenging it can be, and they often want to find a way to set their family up for as smooth […]